Atel Concorde Hotel

-The Concorde Hotel is Located in the Trade Center of Cairo, the Hotel is Perfect For Business Men and Shopping Lovers. Floors:7 -A1d Room With Large Bed / Bath or Shower -A2t Twin Room / 2 Single Beds / Bath or Shower -A3t Triple Room/3 Single Beds/Bath or Shower

Atel Concorde Hotel Amenities

Room Service
Laundry/Valet Services

General Policies & Disclaimers

You will need a Credit Card in order to book this hotel online.
Cancellation policies vary from hotel to hotel. Most current and accurate cancellation policies will appear on your reservation form.

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Atel Concorde Hotel

Atel Concorde Hotel - Egypt Cairo Accommodation

Atel Concorde Hotel is located in Egypt Cairo. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Atel Concorde Hotel reviews. Book Atel Concorde Hotel online and Save!