Hauza Beach Resort

A Large Swimming Pool Divided Into Two Sections For Adults and Children. Next To the Pool There is a Pool Bar and a Terrace. Next To the Hotel a Seawater Lagoon With a Private Beach is Located. There is Also an Open Water Area Where you Can Practice Diving and Enjoy Your Time Under Water. If you Seek Some Excitement On Land you Can Have the Opportunity To Try Horse and Camel Back Riding. There is a Big Variety of Activities To Choose from Within the Area: Diving, Tennis Courts With Evening Light, Football Courts, Volleyball Courts, Billiards, Archery, Shopping Center, Safari, and Full Moon Disco. Kids Can Find a Full Time Activities Presented As Follow: Playing With Pony, Riding the Royal Carriage, Playgrounds and Kids Swimming Pool.

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Hauza Beach Resort

Hauza Beach Resort - Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh Accommodation

Hauza Beach Resort is located in Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Hauza Beach Resort reviews. Book Hauza Beach Resort online and Save!