Lti Grand Azur Resort

Grand Azure Resort Has a Variety of Entertainment Facilities Including Three Spectacular Swimming Pools Apart from the Childrens Pool, Kids Club With Separate Pool For Children With Nursery, Private Beach and Marina, an Amphitheatre, Health Club, Volleyball and Handball On Beach, Game Land For Adults, Mini-Aqua Park and Animation Team, Other Facilities Are Laundry and Valet, Book Shop, Gold Shop and Free Shuttle To Naama Bay.

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Lti Grand Azur Resort

Lti Grand Azur Resort - Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh Accommodation

Lti Grand Azur Resort is located in Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Lti Grand Azur Resort reviews. Book Lti Grand Azur Resort online and Save!