Montazah Sheraton Hotel

Sheraton Montazah Hotel is Located On the Beach At a Distance of 15 Km from the Airport, 21 Km from Pompey'S Pillar, Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria Overlooking King Farouk'S Summer Palace On One Side and the Mediterranean Sea On the Other. It is a Five Star Hotel Which is Open All Year and Consists of 307 Rooms Including 5 Presidential Suites, 12 Junior Suites, Non Smoking Rooms, Most of Them Overlooking the Sea and King Farouk'S Gardens. Room Amenities Include Bathroom, Air Conditioning, Colour Satellite Tv, Radio, and Direct Dial Phone. - Single Rooms, - Twins, - Suites Private Bathroom / Shower

Montazah Sheraton Hotel Amenities

Free Parking
Handicapped Rooms/Facilities
No Smoking Rooms/Facilities
Modem Lines in Room

Area Attractions

Bus Stop - 0.0 Km Airport - 0 Km

General Policies & Disclaimers

You will need a Credit Card in order to book this hotel online.
Cancellation policies vary from hotel to hotel. Most current and accurate cancellation policies will appear on your reservation form.

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Montazah Sheraton Hotel

Montazah Sheraton Hotel - Egypt Alexandria Accommodation

Montazah Sheraton Hotel is located in Egypt Alexandria. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Montazah Sheraton Hotel reviews. Book Montazah Sheraton Hotel online and Save!