Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge

A Cosy Four Star Hotel Located Directly On the Nile in the Centre of Aswan. All the 100 Bungalows Were Fully Renovated During Summer 1999. With Its Unique Location, Isis Hotel Guests Enjoy the Panoramic Views of the Nile, and the Convenience of Being Centrally Located Within the Shopping Area of Aswan. - - Single Rooms, - - Twins, - - Suites Private Bathroom / Shower

Area Attractions

Bus Stop - 0.0 Km Airport - 0 Km

General Policies & Disclaimers

You will need a Credit Card in order to book this hotel online.
Cancellation policies vary from hotel to hotel. Most current and accurate cancellation policies will appear on your reservation form.

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Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge

Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge - Egypt Aswan Accommodation

Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge is located in Egypt Aswan. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge reviews. Book Pyramisa Isis Corniche Hotel Auberge online and Save!