Reef Oasis Beach Resort

Amenties Include 3 Open Air Jacuzzis With Sweet Warm Water Overlooking the Sea, Mini Club With Playground and Daily Program For Children, 4 Tennis Courts and Tennis Lessons With Evening Lights, Volleyball, Beach Volley, Archery Court, Football Court, Gymnasium, Library, Boccia, Cinema Show, Aerobic, Aqua Gym, Darts Stretching, Dancing Lessons (Salsa and Merange), Canoes, Pedaloes.

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Cancellation policies vary from hotel to hotel. Most current and accurate cancellation policies will appear on your reservation form.

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Reef Oasis Beach Resort

Reef Oasis Beach Resort - Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh Accommodation

Reef Oasis Beach Resort is located in Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and Reef Oasis Beach Resort reviews. Book Reef Oasis Beach Resort online and Save!