The Savoy

With 300 Meters of Silk Sandy Beach Stretching Along Its Coast, Savoy Sharm El Sheikh Beholds Priceless Treasures of Picturesque Scenery and Underwater Marvels, Making It the Perfect Hideaway For Vacationers Seeking Fun, Leisure and Comfort. Facilities in the Hotel Offer you Various Possibilities To Enjoy Your Holiday, Swimming Pools, Beautiful Sandy Beach, Diving Centre, Wellness Centre and Spa, Tennis Courts, Games Room, Scooby Doo, Shows, Shops and More.

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Cancellation policies vary from hotel to hotel. Most current and accurate cancellation policies will appear on your reservation form.

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The Savoy

The Savoy - Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh Accommodation

The Savoy is located in Egypt Sharm-El-Sheikh. We provide accommodation, hotel information, holiday specials, packages, photos, rates and The Savoy reviews. Book The Savoy online and Save!