Otjiwarongo (Otjiherero: pleasant place or place where fat cattle graze) is a city of 20,000 inhabitants in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. It is the district capital of the Otjiwarongo electoral constituency and also the capital of Otjozondjupa. Otjiwarongo is situated in central-north Namibia on the TransNamib railway. It is the biggest business centre for Otjozondjupa Region. It is one of Namibia’s fast growing towns, with a neat and peaceful quality environment, and many excellent facilities including supermarkets, banks, lodges and hotels. Some of Namibia's best-known private game farms and nature reserves are located in and around the town. Otjibamba Lodge, an afro-colonial style lodge, is situated on the southern side of the town near the Otjiwarongo Golf Course.
Visit the Cheetah Conservation Fund International Research and Education Visitor Centre. Open daily without reservations from 09h00 - 17h00. Pre-book ...